All document entities:
- ADA: World Skin
- Addressing Torture in Iraq through Critical Digital Media Art—Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project
- The Agent Takes the Stage
- Airborne Abstraction
- Alchemists of the future: Ars Electronica Futurelab : the first 25 years and beyond
- Alice's adventures in an immersive mixed reality environment
- Alive on the Grid
- All about EVE 5: 21st century CAVE art
- Ars Electronica 2001 Catalogue: Takeover, Who's Doing the Art of Tomorrow - EVL Alive on the Grid
- Ars Electronica Archive - Prix: World Skin
- Art (Village Voice)
- Art & Technology: Leaving Reality Behind?
- Art + science now: how scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics
- Art: Jackie Matisse
- Avatars, EVL, and Ghosts
- BLUI: a body language user interface for 3D gestural drawing
- BLUIsculpt™
- Being there: Interactive fiction in virtual reality
- Building a VR narrative
- Catalogue: Fleshfactor - Informationsmaschine Mensch
- Catalogue: Infowar - Information.Macht.Krieg
- Catalogue: Next Sex - Sex in the Age of Its Procreative Superfluousness
- Cave Quake II: The Bat Cave or the Fear Cave?
- CavePainting: a fully immersive 3D artistic medium and interactive experience
- CaveWriting 2006: A Hypertext Authoring System in Virtual Reality
- Chapter XVI: Cave Automated Virtual Environment: A Supercomputer-based Multimedia System for Learning Science in a Science Center
- Collaborative Virtual Environments Art Exhibition
- Communications of the ACM, May 2010
- Communications of the ACM, Nov 1997
- Creating the future a brief history of Ars Electronica 1979-2019
- CryVE: modding the cryengine2 to create a cave system
- Culture shock and the practice of profession: training the next wave in rhetoric and composition
- DEEP SPACE: High Resolution VR Platform for Multi-user Interactive Narratives
- Der Standard (19 Sep 1996)
- Design and Architecture of Sidh – a Cave Based Firefighter Training Game
- Design and evaluation of a virtual environment infrastructure to support experiments in social behavior
- The design space of dynamic interactive virtual environments
- Designing a Virtual Reality Nyungar Dreamtime Landscape Narrative
- Designing a virtual reality Nyungar Dreamtime
- Developing Virtual Reality Applications: Foundations of Effective Design
- Die Vernetzung der Fiktionen
- Digital theatre: a "live" and mediated art form expanding perceptions of body, place, and community
- The Do-it-Yourself Art Exhibition documentation
- EVL, La Meca de le Realidad Virtual en Estados Unidos
- Enclosed Five-Wall Immersive Cabin
- Exploring Geovisualization
- Exploring the usability of immersive interactive storytelling
- Expression through Machinima: A Digital Africana Studies Pedagogical Case Study
- Expressive processing: On the process -intensive literature and digital media
- Extended Memory: Early Calculating Engines and Historical Computer Simulations
- Facing experience: a painter's canvas in virtual reality
- Fools Paradise : Introduction
- Franz Fischnaller: A 3D Artist and Researcher
- From Gesture to Form: The Evolution of Expressive Freehand Spatial Interfaces
- From Rooms to Ruins: The Boston University HiPArt Project
- From Technological to Virtual Art
- The Future Is Now: entity Presents Electronic Artists in Immedia 1901
- Future cinema : the cinematic imaginary after film
- The Future of Literature: Complex Surfaces of Electronic Texts and Print Books
- Guerilla VR
- Hands-on Technology Showcased at CFA
- Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2014 Arts Program)
- Helicopter House Project 2000 (archive)
- Hellenic cultural heritage through immersive virtual archaeology
- High-end interactive media in the museum
- The History of Visual Magic in Computers
- History of computer art
- Human Trials Intermedia Performance
- Human Trials: An Experiment in Intermedia Performance
- Immersed in Art
- Immersion, Engagement, and Presence
- InSonic2017: Bernd Lintermann_Immersive Environments and Augmented Reality in Media Art
- Inside Futurelab: 25th Anniversary Series – Episode 1 – Virtual Worlds
- Interaction Design
- Interactive Fiction (CGW)
- Interactive Storytelling in a Mixed Reality Environment: The Effects of Interactivity on User Experiences
- It's Virtually a Reality
- Jackie Matisse: Collaborations in Art + Science
- LIVE HISTORY - A Vision for the Nationaal Historisch Museum (NHM)
- Las Meninas in VR: Storytelling and the Illusion in Art
- Lens: The Practice and Poetics of Writing in Immersive VR (A Case Study with Maquette)
- Life in the Virtual World
- MGLAIR Agents in Virtual and other Graphical Environments
- Madame bovary on the holodeck: immersive interactive storytelling
- Meaning and emplacement in expressive immersive virtual environments
- Mediartech 1999 (PCMania)
- Mitologies: Medieval Labyrinth Narratives in Virtual Reality
- Mixed Reality Theater and the Egyptian Oracle Project
- Multi-Megabook
- Multiple Signatures: On Designers, Authors, Readers and Users
- Navigating space by drawing
- New Media Fellowship application: Drew Browning & Annette Barbier
- New media futures : the rise of women in the digital arts
- Painting in space
- Performing Mixed Reality
- Preserving Heritage Sites
- Project Update: The Continued Evolution of Virtual Harlem
- The Provoking Thing: A VR Relationship
- Psycho-Drama in VR
- Real-time interactive graphics
- Reordering Virtual Reality: Recording and Recreating Real-Time Experiences
- Reviving the past: cultural heritage meets virtual reality
- Roderick Coover in conversation with Pat Badani on “Hearts and Minds: The Interrogations Project”
- SIDH: A Game-Based Architecture for a Training Simulator
- SIGGRAPH '98 Electronic Art and Animation CD-ROM
- SIGGRAPH Video Review 127
- Science, 27 Mar 1998
- Screen: bodily interaction with text in immersive VR
- Scripting the Interactor: An Approach to VR Drama
- Second Life: the game of virtual life
- Shared miletus: Towards a networked virtual history museum
- Sharing Virtual Reality Environments across the International Grid (iGrid)
- Sidh – a Game Based Firefighter Training Simulation
- Sight Line: For Mona Lisa
- Simulating the Harlem Renaissance in Virtual Reality: Glancing into the Development of the Virtual Harlem Project from 2014-2018
- Skin (thesis show documentation)
- Skin: an interactive hyperstereoscopic electro installation
- Songlines in the Streets: Story Mapping with Itinerant Hypernarrative
- Spatial Correlation: An Interactive Display of Virtual Gesture Sculpture
- Spatial Correlation: An Interactive Display of Virtual Gesture Sculpture
- Story Telling in Virtual Reality
- Synthecology: sound use of audio in teleimmersion
- Taking over the CAVE
- Talks and Lectures: World Skin
- The Thing Growing: Autonomous characters in virtual reality interactive fiction
- Three-dimensional relief
- Through the Screen Door: Virtual Reality Experiences
- Tietoyyteys (Feb 1998)
- Towards an Aesthetic of Virtual Reality
- Traces (1998-1999) by Simon Penny et al.
- Traces: Wireless full body tracking in the CAVE
- The Trial The Trail, Act 3: A Virtual Reality Drama Using Intelligent Agents
- Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design
- Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application, and Design (2nd edition)
- Unfolding Space: Thesis Project Documentation
- Using the computer-driven VR environment to promote experiences of natural world immersion
- Uzume: A performative Event In Virtual Reality
- Vimeo: 21st Century CAVE Art, 2003
- Vimeo: Applied Interactives, 2005
- Vimeo: Better Living Through Modularity
- Vimeo: Beyond Prototypes, 2002
- Vimeo: CAVE UTM Performance in VR
- Vimeo: Canticle
- Vimeo: Carolina Cruz-Neira : Ashes to Ashes, 2003
- Vimeo: Direction
- Vimeo: Documentation: The Escape
- Vimeo: DotsAndDashes
- Vimeo: Dreamtheatre Trailer
- Vimeo: EVL: Alive on the Grid, 2001
- Vimeo: Figuratively Speaking
- Vimeo: Figuratively Speaking (2)
- Vimeo: Hearts and Minds: the Interrogations Project
- Vimeo: Hearts and Minds: the Interrogations Project - interaction in the CAVE2
- Vimeo: Home CAVE
- Vimeo: In Search of Abandoned
- Vimeo: LIVING (from Home)
- Vimeo: LOCKUP, 2000
- Vimeo: Las Meninas (1998)
- Vimeo: Margaret Dolinsky : Dream Grrrls, 1998
- Vimeo: Margaret Dolinsky : InterFacing, 2011
- Vimeo: Maxine Brown : iGrid, 2002
- Vimeo: Mitologies (1998)
- Vimeo: Mugen Noh
- Vimeo: Rutopia2_VRart_DariaTsoupikova_music_by_JulienSoleilhac2005
- Vimeo: Shared Spaces, 2002
- Vimeo: Sketching In Space II
- Vimeo: Sketching in Space - Documentation
- Vimeo: Special Treatment, 2005
- Vimeo: SpinLock
- Vimeo: Synthecology
- Vimeo: TRACE IN SPACE - “dreck and drop”
- Vimeo: The CAVE — CODAworx
- Vimeo: The Perfect Parlor, 2003
- Vimeo: Trace in Space | Kollisionen WiSe 2010/2011 | Dreck and Mop
- Vimeo: Trace in Space | Kollisionen WiSe 2010/2011 | Floating Person
- Vimeo: Trace in Space | Kollisionen WiSe 2010/2011 | Grasshopper
- Vimeo: VR Art - Idlusion
- Vimeo: WIDOK 5: The CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment)
- Vimeo: rutopia2018
- Vimeo: “Helicopter House” Video segments from the VR project
- Virtual Art Volant
- Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion
- Virtual Drama with Intelligent Agents
- Virtual Heritage: From the Research Lab to the Broad Public
- Virtual Reality and Performance
- Virtual Reality as a Teaching Tool: Learning by Configuring
- Virtual heritage at iGrid 2000
- Virtual immersion in 3-D storytelling | UIC Today
- Virtual reality art: Beyond technology
- Virtual reality filmmaking: techniques & best practices for VR filmmakers
- Virtual theatres: an introduction
- Virtual unreality: storytelling in virtual environments
- Wayback machine: Home documentation
- Web Publisher's Construction Kit with VRML/Live3D: Creating 3D Web Worlds, Volume 1"
- While We Wait for the Holodeck; or, How Agency in VR Only Tells Half a Story
- Workshop: VR for public consumption
- Writing's on the Wall in 3-D Cave
- XP: An authoring system for immersive art exhibitions
- Ygdrasil - a framework for composing shared virtual worlds
- Youtube: Art in the CAVE
- Youtube: Blur - Eve4 Compilation
- Youtube: Cave Quake II: the Original First Person Shooter in VR
- Youtube: Crayoland: A CAVE® Virtual Reality Environment
- Youtube: Dan Sandin: Artists and The Scientific Research Environment (Part 3)
- Youtube: Detour
- Youtube: Dream Grrrls
- Youtube: Face à Face
- Youtube: Inside Futurelab: 25th Anniversary Series – Episode 1 – Virtual Worlds
- Youtube: Maurice Benayoun - World Skin, Cave Installation, 1997
- Youtube: Maurice Benayoun presents: 'World Skin' during the 'Tools for Propaganda'
- Youtube: Particle Dreams in Spherical Harmonics
- Youtube: Prix Ars Electronica Maurice Benayoun talk World Skin Golden Nica 1998
- Youtube: Prix Forum II - Visionary Pioneers of Media Art (2015): Jeffrey Shaw (AU/HK)
- Youtube: The Cave (Randall Packer)
- Youtube: The N.I.C.E. Project
- Youtube: Virtools / Simteam VR Sculpture in SAS Cube (CAVE)
- Youtube: Virtual Harlem
- Youtube: World Skin at V2_
- Youtube: World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War
- Youtube: Worlskin
- eCulture: cultural content in the digital age
- A horizontal stereoscopic projection system for working at the artist studio & Mimesis, the function that made the organ
- 被忽略的名字Maurice Benayoun(莫奔)