Jason Leigh
- EVE4 - Electronic Visualization Event 4
(The Great Sandini Virtual Reality Circus of the CAVE, Vomit Mountain, )
- Neither Here Nor There
(The Great Sandini Virtual Reality Circus of the CAVE, N.I.C.E: Narrative-based Immersive Constructionists / Collaborative Environments, Vomit Mountain, )
- Ars Electronica Festival 1996
(The Great Sandini Virtual Reality Circus of the CAVE, Vomit Mountain, )
- Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2005
(Kites Flying In and Out of Space, )
- Nicephore Days
(Kites Flying In and Out of Space, )
- 7th Symposium on Virtual Reality
(Kites Flying In and Out of Space, )
- iGrid 2002
(Kites Flying In and Out of Space, )
- The Adventure of CAVE
(N.I.C.E: Narrative-based Immersive Constructionists / Collaborative Environments, )
- ThinkQuest '96
(N.I.C.E: Narrative-based Immersive Constructionists / Collaborative Environments, )
- Supercomputing '96
(N.I.C.E: Narrative-based Immersive Constructionists / Collaborative Environments, )